Haley Martin | Designer

Hi There!

Haley Martin is a UX Designer, sometimes graphic designer, based in Austin, TX. She loves to push the boundaries of possibility to find new and exciting ways to approach challenges. Beyond sketches, wireframes, and prototypes, Haley is dedicated to creating work that creates empathy between users and companies.

For the past few years, she has worked with mission-driven companies in content marketing and community building. She takes pride in pinpointing customer needs and meeting business goals through creative, data-driven solutions.

Now, she is working as a UX Designer at Alexa Shopping, exploring the intersection between UX, AI, and voice design.

She’s all about:

• Customer obsession

• Engaging graphics & interactions

• Diversity, equity, and inclusion

• Data-driven design

• Out-of-the-box solutions

• Roller skating

• Her pet lizard



