Haley Martin | Designer

An e-commerce site offering out of this world adventures







Usability Testing



Space tourism is gaining traction. In terms of commercial flights to the moon, Lunar has won the space race. They invented the technology, but now they need a website that will turn an interested audience into buyers of their trips.

The Problem:

In order to lead the market for transformative and adventurous vacations, they need to attract users interested in space travel, and create an online experience that will persuade them to complete a booking.

Design Challenges:

• Understand what attracts users to adventurous vacations

• Identify what users' concerns are when taking new trips

• Understand what users need to book travel online

The Process


What do users want and expect?

To learn more about user’s needs and goals when booking vacations, I interviewed people about their experiences with planning travel.

Who else is out there?

I conducted competitor research of emerging space tourism companies and adventure tourism companies. This exercise helped me identify what features users will expect when booking their trips.

I did some secondary industry research to discover who potential users would be and what their values are.

Areas of focus for next steps


Profiling our target audience

After conducting an empathy map to take users’ goals, pains, and frustrations into account, I developed a persona to:

• Understand who I am designing for

• Make UX process less complex

• Guide my ideation process

Prioritizing Features

Taking my persona’s goals into account, as well as feedback and learnings from my research phase, I brainstormed features that would meet user goals.

I then used a prioritization matrix to decide which features I would implement in my design. These include:

• Resources to prepare: FAQ & Resources, About Page, Itinerary

• Credibility Information: Video, Reviews, Testimonials, Partners

• Exploration: Featured trips, Customization

Identifying potential paths Jasmine would take as she experiences Lunar’s website

These paths address her need for

• Ease

• Information

• Credibility

• Customization


Exploring with some sketches

I did some preliminary sketches to determine how I will incorporate detailed information, reviews, and customizable packages into my design to meet users’ needs for credibility, preparedness, and information, and customization. The site map for Jasmine’s user journey includes the following:

• an informative landing page with a search dropdown

• a page to explore launches (trips)

• a launch page with detailed information

• an activity page

• a page for the booking flow

Refining the Vision

I moved to mid-fidelity wireframes, determining how I will meet users’ expectations for familiar and simple online booking experiences. Notable features are frequent use of photos, reviews on every page, expandable activity tiles, and a booking flow for custom packages.

Developing Visual Design

In my UI, I incorporated branding elements to achieve the “wow factor” expectation of space exploration and used a dark theme for an immersive space experience.


Does Lunar meet users' needs?

Using a Figma prototype, I conducted 4 monitored usability tests to determine the success of my design. I sat down with 4 participants who had experience booking vacations online. I wanted to identify errors, measure the success of learnability, efficiency, and satisfaction in design, and see how Lunar met user needs.

Usability Feedback


Changes Made


Task 1: Explore landing page to learn more about Lunar

Need: Abundance of Information

Task 2: Find launches for two travelers between April and December ‘21

Need: Ease of Use

Task 3: Learn what to expect from Lunar Eclipse Launch

Need: Resources to Prepare

Task 4: Book Lunar Eclipse Launch

Need: Customization, Ease of Use


What I’d Change

Dig deeper into long-term business goals

Include more information on safety and technology on the home and launch pages

Gather more information on branding expectations and preferences from users

Add more features like pricing breakdowns to translate the value of the final cost

Edit UI proportions

Next Steps

  • Retest design iterations

Design and test educational pages in the about section

Launch website and gather feedback from customers


  • It’s Nice That
  • AIGA
  • Fonts In Use
  • The Dieline


  1. email@domain.com

  2. — Twitter
  3. — Instagram
  4. — Facebook